Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Text File
2,071 lines
Global Speedrpm1 As Single
Global Throttle1 As Single
Global Throttle3 As Integer
Global Thrust1 As Single
Global Sta1 As Single
Global Ena1 As Single
Global Start1 As Single
Global Fuel As Single
Global Speedrpm2 As Single
Global Throttle2 As Single
Global Thrust2 As Single
Global Sta2 As Single
Global Ena2 As Single
Global Speedrpm3 As Single
Global Thrust3 As Single
Global Sta3 As Single
Global Ena3 As Single
Global Start3 As Single
Global Speedrpm4 As Single
Global Throttle4 As Single
Global Thrust4 As Single
Global Sta4 As Single
Global Ena4 As Single
Global Start4 As Single
Global Altitude As Currency
Global FileName$
Global ts1$
Global Bat As Single
Global Gen As Single
Global Hyd As Single
Global Oil As Single
Global Vrate As Single
Global lndist As Single
Global dstv As Single
Global cdis As Single
Global glslope As Single
Global glpath As Single
Global Auto As Single
Global Mile As Single
Global grav As Single
Global GLS As Single
Dim Dragx As Single
Dim DragY As Single
Dim stri2K As Single
Dim striK As Single
Dim striC As Single
Dim striD As Single
Dim st2K As Single
Dim NA As Single
Sub RandomizeDemo ()
End Sub
Sub Command1_Click ()
End Sub
Sub Command5_Click ()
End Sub
Sub Command2_Click ()
End Sub
Sub Command3_Click ()
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
'Fuel = 600000
End Sub
Sub Option1_Click ()
End Sub
Sub Option2_Click ()
End Sub
Sub Form_MouseDown (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'picture32.Move (x - picture32.width / 2 - DragX), (y - picture32.height / 2 - DragY)
'Test Edit
'If Button And 1 Then
'If x = 2520 Then
'If x > 2520 Then
'x = 2520
'End If
'If x < 2520 Then
'x = 2520
'End If
'If y < 1650 Then
'If y > 1200 Then''picture42.Print (x - picture42.width / 2 - DragX), (y - picture42.height / 2 - Drag
'End If
'End If
'End If
'End If
'Picture32.Move x, y
'Picture32.Move (x - Picture32.width / 2), (y - picture32.height / 2)
'jsx = 0
'jsx = jsx + x
'jsy = 0
'jsy = jsy + y
'Line (3615, 870)-(jsx, jsy)
'Line (2205, 1200)-(2205, 1560)
''Line ((jsx - 50), (jsy + 1))-((jsx + 50), (jsy + 1))
'Line ((jsx - 50), (jsy + 2))-((jsx + 50), (jsy + 2))
'Line ((jsx - 50), (jsy + 3))-((jsx + 50), (jsy + 3))
'Line ((jsx - 50), (jsy + 4))-((jsx + 50), (jsy + 4))
' Rudder Animate Control
If button And 1 Then
Picture39.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\rudrd.ico")
Picture40.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\rudld.ico")
End If
'If x = 2520 Then
'If Button And 1 Then
'picture42.Move (x - picture42.width / 2 - DragX), (y - picture42.height / 2 - DragY)
'End If
End Sub
Sub Form_MouseMove (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'If x = 2205 Then
'picture32.Move (x - picture32.width / 2 - DragX), (Y - picture32.height / 2 - DragY)
'If Button And 1 Then
'picture32.Move ((X - picture32.width / 2) - Dragx), ((Y - picture32.height / 2) - Dr
'Picture51.Print Dragx
'Picture52.Print DragY
'End If
'End If
'If Button And 1 Then
'If y < 1560 Then
'If y > 1200 Then
'If x > 2200 Then
'If x < 2210 Then
'Picture48.Print Abs(360 - (1560 - Y))
'Picture48.Print Int((1560 - y) / 3.6)
'picture32.Move (x - picture32.width / 2 - DragX), (y - picture32.height / 2 - DragY)
'Throttle1 = Int((1560 - y) / 3.6)
'End If
'End If
'End If
'End If
'End If
'If x = 2520 Then
'If Button And 1 Then
'picture42.Move (x - picture42.width / 2 - DragX), (y - picture42.height / 2 - DragY)
'End If
'End If
'If x = 2520 Then
'If Button And 1 Then
'picture42.Move (x - picture42.width / 2 - DragX), (y - picture42.height / 2 - DragY)
'End If
'End If
End Sub
Sub Form_MouseUp (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'If Button And 1 Then
'Picture39.pICTURE = LoadPicture("c:\icon\rudr.ico")
'Picture40.pICTURE = LoadPicture("c:\icon\rudl.ico")
'If y < 1560 Then
'If y > 1200 Then
'If x = 2205 Then
'Picture48.Print Int((1560 - y) / 3.6)'End If
'End If
'End If
'End If
'If x = 2520 Then
'If Button And 1 Then
'picture42.Move (x - picture42.width / 2 - DragX), (y - picture42.height / 2 - DragY)
'End If
'End If
End Sub
Sub Form_DragDrop (Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
'Source.Move (x - DragX), (y - DragY)
'Source.Move ((x - picture32.width / 2) - Dragx), ((y - picture32.height / 2) - DragY
'If button And 1 Then
'If x > 2200 Then
'If x < 2210 Then
'If Y < 1560 Then
'If Y > 1200 Then
'picture32.Move (x - picture32.width / 2 - DragX), (Y - picture32.height / 2 - DragY)
'End If
'End If
''End If
'End If
'End If
'If x = 2520 Then
'If Button And 1 Then
'picture42.Move (x - picture42.width / 2 - Dragx), (y - picture42.height / 2 - Dragy)
'End If
'End If
End Sub
Sub Picture42_DragOver (Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single, State As Integer
'If X = 2520 Then
'If Button And 1 Then
'JT = (X - Picture42.width / 2 - Dragx)
'JZ = (Y - Picture42.height / 2 - DragY)
'pICTURE49.Print JT
'End If'End If
End Sub
Sub Picture32_MouseDown (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Singl
'picture32.Move ((x - picture32.width / 2) - Dragx) - ((y - picture32.height / 2) - d
'picture32.Drag 1
'DragX = x
'DragY = y
End Sub
Sub Picture32_MouseMove (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Singl
'If Button And 1 Then
'picture32.Move ((x - picture32.width / 2)) - ((y - picture32.height / 2))
'End If
End Sub
Sub Picture32_MouseUp (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'Picture32.Drag 2
'picture32.Move (picture32.width / 2 - x), (picture32.height / 2 - Y)
End Sub
Sub Picture40_MouseDown (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Singl
Picture40.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\rudld.ico")
End Sub
Sub Picture40_MouseUp (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Picture40.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\rudl.ico")
End Sub
Sub Picture39_MouseDown (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Singl
Picture39.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\rudrd.ico")
End Sub
Sub Picture39_MouseUp (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Picture39.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\rudr.ico")
End Sub
Sub Picture60_Click ()
Picture57.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture49.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\clr.ico")
Picture30.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture58.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture33.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture60.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\botrt.ico")
Picture50.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture59.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture21.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
End Sub
Sub Picture57_Click ()
Picture57.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\toplft.ico")
Picture49.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\cul.ico")
Picture30.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture58.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture33.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture60.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture50.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture59.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture21.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
End Sub
Sub Picture30_Click ()
Auto = 0
Picture57.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture49.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\cuc.ico")
Picture30.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\topctr.ico")
Picture58.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture33.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture60.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture50.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture59.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture21.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
NA = NA - 1
End Sub
Sub Picture58_Click ()
Picture57.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture49.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\cur.ico")
Picture30.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture58.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\toprt.ico")
Picture33.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture60.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture50.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture59.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture21.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
End Sub
Sub Picture33_Click ()
Picture57.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture49.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\cr.ico")
Picture30.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture58.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture33.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\rtctr.ico")
Picture60.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture50.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture59.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture21.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
End Sub
Sub Picture50_Click ()
Auto = 0
Picture57.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture49.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\clc.ico")
Picture30.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture58.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture33.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")Picture60.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture50.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\botctr.ico")
Picture59.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture21.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
NA = NA + 1
End Sub
Sub Picture59_Click ()
Picture57.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture49.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\cll.ico")
Picture30.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture58.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture33.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture60.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture50.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture59.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\botlft.ico")
Picture21.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
End Sub
Sub Picture21_Click ()
Picture57.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture49.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\cl.ico")
Picture30.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture58.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture33.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture60.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture50.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture59.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture21.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\lftctr.ico")
End Sub
Sub Picture49_Click ()
Auto = 0
Picture57.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture49.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\lftctr.ico")
Picture30.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture58.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture33.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture60.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture50.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture59.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture21.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
End Sub
Sub Picture50_KeyPress (KeyAscii As Integer)
NA = NA + 1
End Sub
Sub Picture30_KeyPress (KeyAscii As Integer)
NA = NA - 1
End Sub
Sub Picture76_Click ()
Fuel = 125000
'lndist = 50160
'dstv = 0
'cdis = 50160
'Altitude = 5280
'Fspeed = 300
'Throttle1 = 40
'NA = -4p3$ = ("c:\icon\radarb.ico")
p2$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-1.bmp")'
'p4$ = ("c:\icon\fuel1.ico")
'p5$ = ("c:\icon\hyd1.ico")
'p6$ = ("c:\icon\oil1.ico")
'lgup$ = ("c:\icon\LG1.ico")
'p8$ = ("c:\icon\pwr1.ico")
'p9$ = ("c:\icon\bat1.ico")
'p10$ = ("c:\icon\gen1.ico")
'p11$ = ("c:\icon\fl1.ico")
'p12$ = ("c:\icon\ind8.ico")
'p13$ = ("c:\icon\ind8.ico")
'p14$ = ("c:\icon\ind8.ico")
'p15$ = ("c:\icon\ind8.ico")
'p16$ = ("c:\icon\ind8.ico")
p17$ = ("c:\icon\number\0")
p18$ = ("c:\icon\number\1")
p19$ = ("c:\icon\number\2")
p20$ = ("c:\icon\alt1.ico")
p21$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-1.bmp")
p22$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-2.bmp")
p23$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-3.bmp")
p24$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-4.bmp")
p25$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-5.bmp")
p26$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-6.bmp")
p27$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-7.bmp")
p28$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-8.bmp")
p29$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-9.bmp")
p30$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-10.bmp")
p31$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-11.bmp")
p32$ = ("c:\icon\tr1.ico")
p33$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-13.bmp")
p34$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-14.bmp")
p35$ = ("c:\icon\Cap-15.bmp")
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p2$)
'Picture15.picture = LoadPicture(p4$)
'Picture16.picture = LoadPicture(p5$)
'Picture17.picture = LoadPicture(p6$)
'Picture18.picture = LoadPicture(p7$)
'Picture19.picture = LoadPicture(p8$)
'Picture20.picture = LoadPicture(p9$)
'Picture5.picture = LoadPicture(p10$)
'Picture22.picture = LoadPicture(p11$)
'Picture13.picture = LoadPicture(p12$)
'Picture23.Picture = LoadPicture(p13$)
'Picture7.picture = LoadPicture(p14$)
'Picture11.picture = LoadPicture(p15$)
'Picture8.Picture = LoadPicture(p16$)
Picture4.picture = LoadPicture(p17$)
Picture3.picture = LoadPicture(p18$)
Picture24.picture = LoadPicture(p19$)
Picture31.picture = LoadPicture(p20$)
Do While DoEvents()
If Fspeed > 0 Then
Fspeed = Fspeed - (Fspeed / 4)
End If
Fspeed = Fspeed + (RPMIND1 / 1)
If Fspeed < 0 Then
Fspeed = 0
End If
If Altitude < 150 Then
Auto = 0
Picture71.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\onoff\off.ico")
End If
If Fspeed < 110 Then
Altitude = Altitude - grav
End If
If Fspeed > 110 Then
Picture78.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\blank.ico")
grav = grav - 32
End If
If grav < 0 Then
grav = 0
End If
If Fspeed < 110 Then
If Altitude > 0 Then
grav = grav + 32
Picture78.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\stall.ico")
NA = NA - 1
End If
End If
If Altitude = 0 Then
grav = 0
NA = 0
End If
'End Forward speed Variable
If Throttle1 > 100 Then
Throttle1 = 100
End If
If Altitude < 0 Then
Altitude = 0
End If
If RPMIND1 < Throttle1 Then
RPMIND1 = RPMIND1 + ((Throttle1 - RPMIND1) / 5)
End If
If RPMIND1 > Throttle1 Then
RPMIND1 = RPMIND1 - ((Throttle1 + RPMIND1) / 5)
End If
'*********Begin Flight Mechanics******************************************
'Begin Nose> Determine
Altitude = Altitude + ((Fspeed * ((NA) / .9) / 100) * 2)
If LGI > 0 Then
Fspeed = Fspeed - 5
End If
If FLI > 0 Then
Altitude = Altitude + 4
End If
Fuel = Fuel - (RPMIND1 * 10)
Fuel = Int(Fuel)
Picture41.Print Fuel
FuelI = Fuel / 500000
FuelI = (FuelI * 10) * 2
FuelI = Int(FuelI)If FuelI > 18 Then
FuelI = 18
End If
If FuelI < 0 Then
FuelI = 0
Throttle1 = 0
End If
Picture37.Print FuelI
NA = Int(NA)
If NA = 0 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn0.ico")
End If
If NA = 1 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp1.ico")
End If
If NA = 2 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp2.ico")
End If
If NA = 3 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp3.ico")
End If
If NA = 4 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp4.ico")
End If
If NA = 5 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp5.ico")
End If
If NA = 6 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp6.ico")
End If
If NA = 7 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp7.ico")
End If
If NA = 8 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp8.ico")
End If
If NA = 9 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp9.ico")
End If
If NA = 10 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp10.ico")
End If
If NA = 11 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp11.ico")
End If
If NA = 12 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp12.ico")
End If
If NA = 13 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp13.ico")
End If
If NA = 14 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp14.ico")
End If
If NA = 15 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bp15.ico")
End If
If NA = -1 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn1.ico")
End If
If NA = -2 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn2.ico")
End If
If NA = -3 ThenPicture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn3.ico")
End If
If NA = -4 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn4.ico")
End If
If NA = -5 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn5.ico")
End If
If NA = -6 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn6.ico")
End If
If NA = -7 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn7.ico")
End If
If NA = -8 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn8.ico")
End If
If NA = -9 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn9.ico")
End If
If NA = -10 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn10.ico")
End If
If NA = -11 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn11.ico")
End If
If NA = -12 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn12.ico")
End If
If NA = -13 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn13.ico")
End If
If NA = -14 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn14.ico")
End If
If NA = -15 Then
Picture14.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\8ball\8bn15.ico")
End If
'********************************* End 8 ball determine
'Oil = Oil + (gen - 1)
'Oil = Int(Oil)
'If Oil > 18 Then
'Oil = 18
'End If
'If Oil < 1 Then
'Oil = 1
'End If
'Oil = Oil - 1
If gen > 18 Then
gen = 18End If
Bat = Bat - .5
gen = gen - 1
'Battery Control
Bat = Bat + (gen / 9.5)
Bat = Int(Bat)
If Bat > 18 Then
Bat = 18
End If
If Bat < 1 Then
Bat = 1
End If
'End Battery Control
Oil = Oil + (RPMIND1 / 2)
Oil = Int(Oil)
Hyd = Hyd + (RPMIND1 / 10)
If Hyd > 2 Then
Hyd = Hyd - 1
End If
Hyd = Int(Hyd)
gen = (RPMIND1 / 2.5)
gen = Int(gen)
gen = Abs(gen)
Picture48.Print Hyd
Hyd = Hyd + (gen / 9.5)
Hyd = Int(Hyd)
If Hyd > 18 Then
Hyd = 18
End If
If Hyd < 1 Then
Hyd = 1
End If
Hyd = Hyd - 1
Picture34.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\guage\guage2.ico")
'Fuel Guage ...........................................................
Picture37.Print FuelI
If FuelI = 0 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag1.ico")End If
If FuelI = 1 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag2.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 2 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag3.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 3 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag4.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 4 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag5.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 5 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag6.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 6 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag7.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 7 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag8.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 8 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag9.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 9 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag10.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 10 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag11.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 11 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag12.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 12 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag13.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 13 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag14.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 14 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag15.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 15 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag16.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 16 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag17.ico")
End IfIf FuelI = 17 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag18.ico")
End If
If FuelI = 18 Then
Picture65.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag19.ico")
End If
Picture34.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\guage\guage2.ico")
'Picture34.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\guage\guage3.ico")
' DISPLAY GENERATION -------------------------------------
'***** Start engine speed vs throttle icon generation *******
'***** Display generation Experiment for automated picture loading...
a = Int(RPMIND1 / 4)
If a = 0 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag1.ico")
End If
If a = 1 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag1.ico")
End If
If a = 2 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag2.ico")
End If
If a = 3 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag3.ico")
End If
If a = 4 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag4.ico")
End If
If a = 5 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag5.ico")
End If
If a = 6 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag6.ico")
End If
If a = 7 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag7.ico")
End If
If a = 8 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag8.ico")
End If
If a = 9 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag9.ico")
End If
If a = 10 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag10.ico")
End If
If a = 11 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag11.ico")
End If
If a = 12 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag12.ico")
End If
If a = 13 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag13.ico")
End If
If a = 14 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag14.ico")
End If
If a = 15 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag15.ico")
End IfIf a = 16 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag16.ico")
End If
If a = 17 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag17.ico")
End If
If a = 18 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag18.ico")
End If
If a = 19 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag19.ico")
End If
If a = 20 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag20.ico")
End If
If a = 21 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag21.ico")
End If
If a = 22 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag22.ico")
End If
If a = 23 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag23.ico")
End If
If a = 24 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag24.ico")
End If
If a = 25 Then
Picture45.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag25.ico")
End If
Picture34.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\guage\guage2.ico")
'Picture34.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\guage\guage3.ico")
'Begin Altitude "Strip"
stri2K = 0
striK = 0
striC = 0
striD = 0
ALTDH = Altitude
If ALTDH > 10000 Then
str2K = Int(ALTDH / 10000)
ALTDH = ALTDH - (str2K * 10000)
End If
If ALTDH > 1000 Then
striK = Int(ALTDH / 1000)
ALTDH = ALTDH - (striK * 1000)
End If
If ALTDH > 100 Then
striC = Int(ALTDH / 100)
ALTDH = ALTDH - (striC * 100)
End If
If ALTDH > 10 Then
striD = Int(ALTDH / 10)
ALTDH = ALTDH - (striD * 10)
End If
striO = Int(ALTDH)
If str2K = 0 Then
Picture25.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\0")
End If
If str2K = 1 Then
Picture25.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\1")End If
If str2K = 2 Then
Picture25.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\2")
End If
If str2K = 3 Then
Picture25.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\3")
End If
If str2K = 4 Then
Picture25.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\4")
End If
If str2K = 5 Then
Picture25.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\5")
End If
If str2K = 6 Then
Picture25.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\6")
End If
If str2K = 7 Then
Picture25.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\7")
End If
If str2K = 8 Then
Picture25.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\8")
End If
If str2K = 9 Then
Picture25.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\9")
End If
If striK = 0 Then
Picture26.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\0")
End If
If striK = 1 Then
Picture26.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\1")
End If
If striK = 2 Then
Picture26.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\2")
End If
If striK = 3 Then
Picture26.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\3")
End If
If striK = 4 Then
Picture26.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\4")
End If
If striK = 5 Then
Picture26.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\5")
End If
If striK = 6 Then
Picture26.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\6")
End If
If striK = 7 Then
Picture26.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\7")End If
If striK = 8 Then
Picture26.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\8")
End If
If striK = 9 Then
Picture26.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\9")
End If
If striC = 0 Then
Picture27.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\0")
End If
If striC = 1 Then
Picture27.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\1")
End If
If striC = 2 Then
Picture27.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\2")
End If
If striC = 3 Then
Picture27.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\3")
End If
If striC = 4 Then
Picture27.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\4")
End If
If striC = 5 Then
Picture27.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\5")
End If
If striC = 6 Then
Picture27.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\6")
End If
If striC = 7 Then
Picture27.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\7")
End If
If striC = 8 Then
Picture27.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\8")
End If
If striC = 9 Then
Picture27.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\9")
End If
If striD = 0 Then
Picture28.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\0")
End If
If striD = 1 Then
Picture28.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\1")
End If
If striD = 2 Then
Picture28.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\2")
End If
If striD = 3 Then
Picture28.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\3")
End IfIf striD = 4 Then
Picture28.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\4")
End If
If striD = 5 Then
Picture28.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\5")
End If
If striD = 6 Then
Picture28.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\6")
End If
If striD = 7 Then
Picture28.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\7")
End If
If striD = 8 Then
Picture28.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\8")
End If
If striD = 9 Then
Picture28.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\9")
End If
If striO = 0 Then
Picture29.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\0")
End If
If striO = 1 Then
Picture29.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\1")
End If
If striO = 2 Then
Picture29.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\2")
End If
If striO = 3 Then
Picture29.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\3")
End If
If striO = 4 Then
Picture29.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\4")
End If
If striO = 5 Then
Picture29.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\5")
End If
If striO = 6 Then
Picture29.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\6")
End If
If striO = 7 Then
Picture29.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\7")
End If
If striO = 8 Then
Picture29.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\8")
End If
If striO = 9 Then
Picture29.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\9")
End If
Picture34.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\guage\guage2.ico")'Picture34.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\guage\guage3.ico")
stri2K = 0
striK = 0
striC = 0
striD = 0
striO = 0
'Begin FSpeed "Strip"
SpeedM = Fspeed
SpeedM = (SpeedM / 10)
SpeedM = Int(SpeedM)
If SpeedM = 0 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex1.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 1 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex1.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 2 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex2.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 3 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex3.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 4 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex4.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 5 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex5.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 6 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex6.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 7 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex7.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 8 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex8.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 9 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex9.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 10 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex10.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 11 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex11.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 12 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex12.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 13 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex13.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 14 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex14.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 15 ThenPicture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex15.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 16 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex16.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 17 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex17.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 18 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex18.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 19 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex19.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 20 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex20.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 21 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex21.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 22 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex22.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 23 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex23.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 24 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex24.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 25 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex25.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 26 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex26.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 27 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex27.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 28 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex28.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 29 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex29.ico")
End If
If SpeedM = 30 Then
Picture67.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\iconmstr\hex30.ico")
End If
FORSPDH = Fspeed
If FORSPDH > 100 Then
striC = Int(FORSPDH / 100)
FORSPDH = FORSPDH - (striC * 100)
End If
If FORSPDH > 10 Then
striD = Int(FORSPDH / 10)
FORSPDH = FORSPDH - (striD * 10)
End If
stri0 = Int(FORSPDH)
If striC = 0 Then
Picture61.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\0")
End If
If striC = 1 Then
Picture61.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\1")
End If
If striC = 2 Then
Picture61.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\2")
End If
If striC = 3 Then
Picture61.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\3")
End If
If striC = 4 Then
Picture61.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\4")
End If
If striC = 5 Then
Picture61.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\5")
End If
If striC = 6 Then
Picture61.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\6")
End If
If striC = 7 Then
Picture61.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\7")
End If
If striC = 8 Then
Picture61.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\8")
End If
If striC = 9 Then
Picture61.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\9")
End If
If striD = 0 Then
Picture62.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\0")
End If
If striD = 1 Then
Picture62.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\1")
End If
If striD = 2 Then
Picture62.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\2")
End If
If striD = 3 Then
Picture62.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\3")
End If
If striD = 4 Then
Picture62.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\4")
End If
If striD = 5 Then
Picture62.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\5")
End If
If striD = 6 Then
Picture62.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\6")
End If
If striD = 7 Then
Picture62.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\7")End If
If striD = 8 Then
Picture62.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\8")
End If
If striD = 9 Then
Picture62.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\9")
End If
If stri0 = 0 Then
Picture63.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\0")
End If
If stri0 = 1 Then
Picture63.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\1")
End If
If stri0 = 2 Then
Picture63.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\2")
End If
If stri0 = 3 Then
Picture63.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\3")
End If
If stri0 = 4 Then
Picture63.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\4")
End If
If stri0 = 5 Then
Picture63.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\5")
End If
If stri0 = 6 Then
Picture63.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\6")
End If
If stri0 = 7 Then
Picture63.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\7")
End If
If stri0 = 8 Then
Picture63.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\8")
End If
If stri0 = 9 Then
Picture63.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\9")
End If
Picture34.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\guage\guage2.ico")
'Picture34.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\guage\guage3.ico")
stri2K = 0
striK = 0
striC = 0
striD = 0
st2K = 0
'END Forward Speed "STRIP" **************************************************
' Begin Windscreen generation
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p21$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p22$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p23$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p24$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p25$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p26$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p27$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p28$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p29$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p30$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p31$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p32$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p33$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p34$)
'Picture10.picture = LoadPicture(p35$)
Picture6.Print Int(Altitude)
Picture1.Print Throttle1
'Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\radar3.ico")
'Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\radar5.ico")
Display.caption = Time$
' Start speed vs icon generation
'Maxspeed = 400 knots
'Picture2.Picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\radar7.ico")
'Picture10.Picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\panel10.ico")
If gen = 1 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag1.ico")
End If
If gen = 2 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag2.ico")
End If
If gen = 3 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag3.ico")
End If
If gen = 4 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag4.ico")
End If
If gen = 5 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag5.ico")
End If
If gen = 6 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag6.ico")
End If
If gen = 7 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag7.ico")
End If
If gen = 8 ThenPicture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag8.ico")
End If
If gen = 9 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag9.ico")
End If
If gen = 10 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag10.ico")
End If
If gen = 11 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag11.ico")
End If
If gen = 12 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag12.ico")
End If
If gen = 13 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag13.ico")
End If
If gen = 14 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag14.ico")
End If
If gen = 15 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag15.ico")
End If
If gen = 16 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag16.ico")
End If
If gen = 17 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag17.ico")
End If
If gen = 18 Then
Picture35.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag18.ico")
End If
'Battery Icon
If Bat = 1 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind1.ico")
End If
If Bat = 2 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind2.ico")
End If
If Bat = 3 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind3.ico")
End If
If Bat = 4 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind4.ico")
End If
If Bat = 5 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind5.ico")
End If
If Bat = 6 ThenPicture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind6.ico")
End If
If Bat = 7 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind7.ico")
End If
If Bat = 8 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind8.ico")
End If
If Bat = 9 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind9.ico")
End If
If Bat = 10 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind10.ico")
End If
If Bat = 11 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind11.ico")
End If
If Bat = 12 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind12.ico")
End If
If Bat = 13 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind13.ico")
End If
If Bat = 14 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind14.ico")
End If
If Bat = 15 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind15.ico")
End If
If Bat = 16 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind16.ico")
End If
If Bat = 17 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind17.ico")
End If
If Bat = 18 Then
Picture7.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ind18.ico")
End If
'Picture34.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\guage\guage2.ico")
Picture34.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\guage\guage3.ico")
If Hyd = 1 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag1.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 2 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag2.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 3 ThenPicture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag3.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 4 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag4.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 5 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag5.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 6 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag6.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 7 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag7.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 8 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag8.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 9 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag9.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 10 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag10.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 11 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag11.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 12 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag12.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 13 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag13.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 14 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag14.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 15 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag15.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 16 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag16.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 17 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag17.ico")
End If
If Hyd = 18 Then
Picture36.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag18.ico")
End If
'End Hyd Generation
'Begin Oil Generation
If Oil = 1 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag1.ico")
End If
If Oil = 2 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag2.ico")
End If
If Oil = 3 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag3.ico")
End If
If Oil = 4 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag4.ico")
End If
If Oil = 5 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag5.ico")
End If
If Oil = 6 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag6.ico")
End If
If Oil = 7 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag7.ico")
End If
If Oil = 8 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag8.ico")
End If
If Oil = 9 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag9.ico")
End If
If Oil = 10 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag10.ico")
End If
If Oil = 11 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag11.ico")
End If
If Oil = 12 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag12.ico")
End If
If Oil = 13 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag13.ico")
End If
If Oil = 14 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag14.ico")
End If
If Oil = 15 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag15.ico")
End If
If Oil = 16 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag16.ico")
End If
If Oil = 17 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag17.ico")
End If
If Oil = 18 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag18.ico")
End If
If Oil = 19 Then
Picture66.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\nugage\guag19.ico")
End If
'End Hyd Generation
'Picture34.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\guage\guage2.ico")
'Picture34.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\guage\guage3.ico")
Picture57.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture49.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\lftctr.ico")
Picture30.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture58.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture33.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture60.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture50.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture59.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
Picture21.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\jystk\blank.ico")
'ILS GENERATE*****************************************************************
If GLS = 1 Then
glslope = (((lndist - dstv) / cdis) * 5280)
picture56.Print ((lndist - dstv) / cdis)
picture53.Print glslope
dstv = dstv + Fspeed
Mile = Abs((dstv - lndist) / 5280)
Mile = Int(Mile)
picture54.Print Mile
glpath = (Altitude - glslope)
picture55.Print Int(glpath)
glpath = Int(glpath)
End If
If Auto = 1 Then
If glpath > 0 Then
NA = NA - .5
End If
End If
If Auto = 1 Then
If glpath < 0 Then
NA = NA + .5
End If
End If
If glpath > 13 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp13.ico")
End If
If glpath < -13 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm13.ico")
End If
If glpath = 0 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsctr.ico")
End If
If glpath = 1 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp1.ico")
End If
If glpath = 2 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp2.ico")End If
If glpath = 3 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp3.ico")
End If
If glpath = 4 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp4.ico")
End If
If glpath = 5 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp5.ico")
End If
If glpath = 6 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp6.ico")
End If
If glpath = 7 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp7.ico")
End If
If glpath = 8 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp8.ico")
End If
If glpath = 9 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp9.ico")
End If
If glpath = 10 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp10.ico")
End If
If glpath = 11 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp11.ico")
End If
If glpath = 12 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp12.ico")
End If
If glpath = 13 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsp13.ico")
End If
If glpath = -1 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm1.ico")
End If
If glpath = -2 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm2.ico")
End If
If glpath = -3 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm3.ico")
End If
If glpath = -4 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm4.ico")
End If
If glpath = -5 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm5.ico")
End If
If glpath = -6 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm6.ico")
End If
If glpath = -7 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm7.ico")
End If
If glpath = -8 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm8.ico")
End If
If glpath = -9 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm9.ico")
End If
If glpath = -10 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm10.ico")
End If
If glpath = -11 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm11.ico")End If
If glpath = -12 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm12.ico")
End If
If glpath = -13 Then
Picture2.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\ils\ilsm13.ico")
End If
If Mile = 0 Then
Picture77.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\0")
End If
If Mile = 1 Then
Picture77.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\1")
End If
If Mile = 2 Then
Picture77.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\2")
End If
If Mile = 3 Then
Picture77.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\3")
End If
If Mile = 4 Then
Picture77.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\4")
End If
If Mile = 5 Then
Picture77.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\5")
End If
If Mile = 6 Then
Picture77.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\6")
End If
If Mile = 7 Then
Picture77.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\7")
End If
If Mile = 8 Then
Picture77.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\8")
End If
If Mile = 9 Then
Picture77.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\number\9")
End If
If Auto = 1 Then
Picture79.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\auto.ico")
End If
If Auto = 0 Then
Picture79.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\blank.ico")
End If
End Sub
Sub Picture75_Click ()
End Sub
Sub Picture72_MouseDown (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Singl
GLS = 1
If button = 1 Then
Fuel = 125000
lndist = 50160
dstv = 0
cdis = 50160Altitude = 5280
Fspeed = 300
Throttle1 = 40
NA = -4
Picture72.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\onoff\on.ico")
End If
If button = 2 Then
Picture72.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\onoff\off.ico")
End If
End Sub
Sub Picture73_MouseDown (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Singl
If button = 1 Then
Picture73.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\onoff\on.ico")
End If
If button = 2 Then
Picture73.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\onoff\off.ico")
End If
End Sub
Sub Picture74_MouseDown (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Singl
If button = 1 Then
Picture74.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\onoff\on.ico")
End If
If button = 2 Then
Picture74.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\onoff\off.ico")
End If
End Sub
Sub Picture71_MouseDown (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Singl
If button = 1 Then
Picture71.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\onoff\on.ico")
Auto = 1
End If
If button = 2 Then
Picture71.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\onoff\off.ico")
Auto = 0
End If
End Sub
Sub Picture70_MouseDown (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Singl
If button = 1 Then
Picture70.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\onoff\on.ico")
End If
If button = 2 Then
Picture70.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\onoff\off.ico")
End If
End Sub
Sub Picture68_MouseDown (button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Singl
If button = 1 Then
Picture68.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\onoff\on.ico")
End If
If button = 2 Then
Picture68.picture = LoadPicture("c:\icon\onoff\off.ico")End If
End Sub
Sub Picture8_Click ()
Throttle1 = Throttle1 + 1
End Sub
Sub Picture44_Click ()
Throttle1 = Throttle1 - 1
End Sub
Sub Picture11_Click ()
Throttle1 = 100
End Sub
Sub Picture13_Click ()
Throttle1 = 75
End Sub
Sub Picture23_Click ()
Throttle1 = 50
End Sub
Sub Picture32_Click ()
Throttle1 = 25
End Sub
Sub Picture12_Click ()
Throttle1 = 0
End Sub